Category Archives: Creative

Come “Paint-by-Numbers” at the Downtown Gallery Crawl on Thursday


Come out this Thursday night for “Paint-by-Numbers,”

The Palace Gallery’s portion of the Downtown Gallery Crawl.

Just as the name suggests, you and other crawl participants will help create an outdoor mural based on the old paint-by-number concept.  We’ll be set up from 5-9pm outside The Palace. While you’re downtown, go ahead and visit the 11 other galleries that participate in the crawls.

It’s a great opportunity to meet folks!


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June Gallery Crawl – Volunteers Needed


Do you enjoy talking with new people? Does conversation come easily to you? Or maybe you’ve got the gift of hospitality and find it valuable to help people feel welcome?

If so, the Creative Team would love to have you help us host at the upcoming Gallery Crawls. You don’t even have to know a thing about art! Our team leader will get you briefed and ready for the event. During each Art Crawl,400-500 visitor pass through The Palace.  Most of those visitor rarely ask about the art but are unusually curious about The Palace and Portico Church, often wanting tours of the building or a better understanding of why we’re located downtown. It’s a great opportunity to meet folks and share about our Death to Life vision.

The next Gallery Crawl is Thursday, June 6th from 5-9pm. If you’d like to serve a shift with us, email Libby at

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Hope Is Springing Up From This Old Ground…

Art is an important part of our community at Portico Church. The walls of the Palace are lined with works created by our people. A few weeks ago we called on everyone in our community to participate in a collaborative art project. The premise was pretty simple: a painting project portraying something that was dead coming to life. We talk a lot about what a blessing it is to have the Palace building. We feel immensely blessed to be able to be part of what’s happening in Downtown Monroe. The Palace was a vacant dilapidated building until we were able to get our hands on it. Slowly but surely, it has come to life. Now, the Palace is just a building. Four walls and roof (that may or may not leak.) However, it’s hard to look at the past few years in our church’s history and not see The Palace as a metaphor for what God is doing in the lives of our people. People are growing closer to God, relationships are being forged and renewed , children are being born. Life is springing up. So as you watch this video, recall what God has done in your life, where He brought you from and where He’s leading us all.

Special thanks to Keysha & Adam McDonald for the vision and execution of this project and Adam Mathews for his amazing video editing skills.

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