Tag Archives: freedom

My Yoke of Slavery

Ruth placed herself in the center of vulnerability, waiting for Boaz to do the rest. Nothing more was needed of her.

Remember Mary and Martha; Mary clung to Jesus’ feet while Martha busied herself.

These women so willingly sat at the feet of their kinsman redeemer. Am I willing to sit and be vulnerable at the feet of Jesus?

I am a Martha, a doer. I have learned self-sufficiency & over time have become prideful and insecure; my identity connected to what I can do. Many things I offer don’t always seem good enough, so I don’t feel like I am enough, loved enough, wanted enough, which then of course compels me to do more, to be more. So the idea of sitting at Jesus’ feet with nothing to busy myself feels vulnerable and unknown.

I often use the phrase “letting Jesus have my struggle.” To say I am going to let Jesus have something sounds like he can’t really fix it unless I give it to him. If Jesus already took away my pride and insecurity, but I refuse to release my grip, then I remain a slave to what I continue to claw after; contrary to a life of freedom in Christ.

My yoke of slavery: pride.

As a prideful doer, I want to do all that God asks on my own strength. I do believe God created me with a purpose to fulfill, however I can’t do it on my own; I wasn’t created to do so. To even attempt at it alone is outside the scope for which I was created.

To abide in the redemption offered through the life, death, & resurrection of Jesus means to stop looking for life outside of Him. My fulfillment cannot be found in my independence, a cupcake, my future husband, or even my job.

I want to be so free in Him that His glory reflects all I do. I do not want to be a released prisoner who refuses to take off the chains and doesn’t allow Jesus life, death, & resurrection to be enough.

-Rachel Peterson

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